Program and Mill Impellers and Blisks Reliably and Effectively
The Multiblade package
5-axis CAM software – the Multiblade package from OPEN MIND: As simple as a standard application.
Impellers and blisks can be programmed without special knowledge using this application. Integrated automated functions in the Multiblade package reduce the number of parameters that need to be entered to a minimum. Proven collision checking guarantees a very high level of process reliability. The use of robust tools allows machining with high infeed parameters and feed rates.
5-axis Machining: Impeller milling
Faster machining with FANUC and hyperMILL® CAM software to meet the manufacturing challenges of engine components.
Would you like to learn more about the Multiblade package of our complete CAM solution?
If so, please contact OPEN MIND Technologies.
hyperMILL® webinar in collaboration with EMUGE-FRANKEN