hyperMILL® Basic
Target Group: Are you just starting to program with hyperMILL®?
Then the Training “hyperMILL® Basic” is the perfect introduction. The training is aimed those with manufacturing competence, and with computer and CAD experience
Prerequisite for participation
Competence using Microsoft Windows, folder structures, and mouse controls. Students and managers should review our document Keys for Successful Training.
Students learn how to use hyperMILL® for 2D, 3D, 3+2 milling and drilling. Topics will include model import, CAD for CAM functions, tool path generation, and simulation of the tool paths.
During the training, users learn everything they need to know to generate NC programs. Numerous exercises on practical components as well as valuable tips and tricks from the trainers round off the program of the basic course.
We use the hyperCAD®-S CAD system for our training. Questions are dealt with individually.
3 days | 10:00-5:00 eastern

Reserve now Training hyperMILL® Basic!
Do you have any questions about our training?
Then contact info.americas@misaificaopenmind-tech.com or +1 888 516 1232.