hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center

The hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center allows you to simulate and analyze the manufacturing process to reduce in­efficient operations and costly errors to a minimum.

The hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center combines the advantages of a CAM data-based simulation with those of an NC code simulation. What you get in the end is an NC code simulation that includes all the process information you need from the hyperMILL® CAM system, such as negative allowances, chamfers, and hole parameters. This information is needed to avoid false collision detection during these machining operations and eliminates the time-consuming task of evaluating the associated collision areas.

Having all of the CAM and machine information is necessary to allow the tool paths to be simulated reliably and completely. A range of different analysis functions lets you accurately assess the subsequent machine run. In this way, the hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center delivers maximum reliability and significantly increases the efficiency of your machining and set-up processes.


  • Based on NC code
  • Digital twin of machine
  • Visual inspection independent of collision check
  • All tool and connecting paths are simulated
  • Limit switch check
  • Stock removal simulation
  • Comprehensive analysis functions
  • Machine, holder, tool, model, and blank are checked
  • Process information from CAM system
  • Net­working with the machine
  • Optimal component placement
  • Clamping test

Process information from the CAM system

Standard simulation systems simulate the machining process using internal tool path data from the CAM sys­tem or based on the generated NC code. To reliably and precisely simulate your NC programs, the relevant process information from the CAM system must be evaluated along with the NC code. hyperMILL® is able to do just that. Here’s an example to illustrate this: You program corresponding machining jobs in hyperMILL® and assign negative allowances or machine non-modeled details such as chamfers. Typically, these component violations, which are intentional and by design, are detected as collisions and must be evaluated by you after­wards. But that’s not the case when you’re working with the hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center. It precisely simulates all machining operations and checks them to ensure maximum reliability.
The following process information is taken into account here:

  • Negative allowances
  • Trim areas
  • Non-modeled details
  • Automatic de­burring: break chamfers and edges
  • Scribing

Simulation with maximum safety

The hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center offers all the classic options for simulation, embedded in a highly intuitive user inter­face. The machine simulation is carried out on a digital twin model, taking into account the work­piece, blank, and tool as well as the tool holder, fixtures, and clamps. Axes can be moved manually in the simulation. Axis limitations are indicated and limit switch traversals are detected auto­ma­ti­cally. Individual machining jobs can be simulated separately or used as a starting point for the simulation.

“The hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center is key to designing set-up pro­ces­ses in a far more safe and efficient way.”

Dr. Josef Koch
CTO OPEN MIND Technologies AG

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In-depth analysis of the NC program

In addition to efficient simulation, the hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center provides a wide range of ana­ly­sis functions that allow you to examine every machining situation in detail. For example, the “Adjust clam­ping” function makes it possible to check the machining area reliably. It automatically calculates the optimal placement of the component for the available work­space, which can often prevent time-consuming machine adjustments. Various technical charts provide valuable information about the quality of the machine run. All traverse movements of the different axes, feed­rates, and spindle speed are visible to the CNC programmer at all times to avoid errors and inefficient operations. The analysis functions there­fore provide even greater reliability and transparency in your machining operations.

Analysis Functions in the hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center

Work­space monitoring

With the help of a stored machine model, the work­space monitoring checks whether any limit switches are traversed by the 2.5D, 3D, 3+2 or 5‑axis simultaneous machining movements. The movements of both the linear axes (X, Y and Z) and the rotary axes (A, B and C) are checked, as well as the clamps and fixturing systems.

Setting break­points

The simulation can be controlled to stop at certain locations in order to reliably check critical points and estimate the sub­sequent processes more precisely. The break­points are created automatically under certain conditions, such as a tool change or a change from rapid traverse to cut movements. More­over, break­points can also be selected manually through an NC block line or picked up from any point on the tool­path.

Adjusting visibility

The visibility of the individual machine components can be adjusted in order to enable optimal visualization of the simulation. Preset machine views, such as ‘Head and Table’ can be called up at the push of a button.

Safe working space analysis

The unique Best‑Fit function automatically optimizes the machining operation to match the available work­space. Work­space monitoring is able to indicate instances where the limit switches have been traversed but the actual work­space is still sufficient for machining. In this case, the Best-Fit function automatically de­termines the optimal setup location for the respective work­space. This does away with the need for unnecessary setup changes and resulting down­times.

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