Automate More CAM Programming Steps!
Features and macros are not enough for you? hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center – automated processes for a wide range of components.
Further CAM automation is possible with hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center from OPEN MIND. The center makes it possible to standardize and automate complex process flows in hyperCAD®-S and hyperMILL®.
Automation experts at OPEN MIND use hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center as a development tool for sophisticated automated processes. Now, this essential software program is also available to OPEN MIND customers, allowing them to reap the benefits of its extensive range of functions.
Advantages of CAM Automation
- Standardized and reproducible machining processes
- Store manufacturing knowledge and make it available to the entire team.
- Shorter programming times
- Avoid selection errors, especially when working with complex drilling patterns.
- Defined processes are very easy to execute.
- Create simple programming tasks quickly and reliably in an automated manner.
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hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center Basic
In the basic version, basic functions of hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center are used to independently implement small automation projects for prismatic components. This enables users to define a process that can then be applied to a wide variety of components fully automatically. This kind of automated NC programming goes far beyond feature recognition and applying stored manufacturing operations.
It allows companies to easily standardize processing. The defined processes are reusable, meaning they can even be executed by less experienced programmers. As a result, components are programmed in the shortest possible time and human error is minimized.

hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center Basic
Scope of Functions
- Job list creation including machine definition
- Stock generation
- Clamping device management and selection including automatic stock clamping
- Drill hole and pocket recognition
- Compound job creation
- Macro application including optimization of job list and sorting of job IDs
- Calculation of global clearance plane
- Calculation of all jobs
- Output of NC program including report